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December 1, 2019 – Carnegie Hall – Sold Out

Well, we did it. The last annual Thanksgiving concert at Carnegie Hall was Sold Out, and is now in the rearview mirror, and what a night it was. There were so many old friends there, most of whom I never even got a chance to see. I'm talking about people I actually know and love – friends from school days, family friends, relations – it was insane.

Arlo Guthrie's 20/20 Tour with Folk Uke

Arlo is happy to announce that Folk Uke will be joining him for his all new 20/20 Tour starting in February!  The folkslinger will continue to include the Alice’s Restaurant Massacree in the repertoire until May 2020, and in addition to some favorites, expect plenty of surprises!

Arlo's Last Annual Thanksgiving Concert at Carnegie Hall is almost sold out!

A decades-long tradition will be coming to a close on Saturday, November 30, 2019. Come join us for an extra special evening of family and friends to celebrate the season with Arlo one last time on the Perelman Stage. Only a few seats remain. Call CarnegieCharge at 212-247-7800 or visit www.carnegiehall.org