Back In The Saddle Again

Back In The Saddle Again

I've got a couple / few gigs under my belt now since I got back on the road. There were so many notes and letters from everyone that it has been fairly overwhelming. What stood out was how many of our friends or people we work with have gone thru or are now going thru the same thing - the loss of someone dear. It is staggeringly real when hundreds and thousands of folks write in and share their lives in such an honest way - no one selling anything - Just real people going thru life trying to keep it real. So this little note is simply to let you know how grateful we are to everyone for taking the time to check-in. I'll get back in some way or other, but there's no way to answer everyone individually. It would take another life time. And now I'm just trying to get used to the life I have left. Time to make the doughnuts. I just need time to eat 'em. Much Love As Usual.... adg