Happy Thanksgiving 2009!

Happy Thanksgiving 2009!

Well, at least a lot of us get a day off, or get a little extra loot for working. To everyone spending time with loved ones or friends - Enjoy. To those dishing out food and care to others who need it - God Bless You! And those caught in the web of the worlds problems, take a moment for yourself today. We are all in the same boat. There is no past reality, nor is the future ever reachable. We have only the moment, this moment. I've written about moments for decades, but I only write about them in the now of things. It's this now that I love, where I can decide for myself who I am. And if there are days when I can't seem to remember who I am, that's okay too, because I also know that I am loved. Whoever I am, whatever I've done, why ever I did anything, I am still loved. And I am not any different than you, which means you are loved. That's something to be thankful for anytime, and a good time to start remembering is now - Thanksgiving is all about knowing you are loved. Whatever, whoever you name your beloved, the love is the same. For that I am pretty thankful... adg