Welcome To Arlo.Net 2009!

Welcome To Arlo.Net 2009!

Welcome to arlo.net 2009! So far, so good. That's not saying much. The world is in crises, people are having a tough time everywhere. I thought we'd be better off as humans by now. So much for thinking. But, there's always hope. I've had a nice few weeks off since the last show at Carnegie Hall, in NYC with Pete Seeger. That gig is still floating around in my mind as one of the best moments of the last year. I guess there's a time for feeling nostalgic, that time is over. Now I'm looking ahead. An extension of the "Solo Reunion Tour" in Ireland is coming up next for me and that has always been a great time. A night in Glasgow - should be terrific. Then down to England for a few even Wales. I am hoping to catch up with a lot of old friends over the pond. There's a lot of 'em. Maybe one of these years our friends in the Middle East will do what we've done recently - elect people who are just plain sick and tired of fighting and death. Even the ones we've elected aren't perfect. There's going to be some trouble, but hopefully a better sort of trouble than we've endured for a while. Who knows - There's always hope. I am chomping at the bit to get back with the great band and crew for the 2nd leg of the :"Lost World Tour." We were having way too much fun. I know the crew will love getting back out even if it's just to get out of the freezer and get the gigs going when we begin in February south of the cold. I've been taking lots of photos many of which are posted at either MySpace (http://www.myspace.com/arloguthriefamily) or FaceBook (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id= ... 5&ref=name). Check 'em out if you're interested. Okay enough for now... Love to all... adg